

As Debt Counsellors we are geared to assisting you to repay your debt. Our clients come from all walks of life and include both individuals and couples. We have clients paying off as little as R 300 per month to more than R 20 000 per month.

Our clients have a few things in common:

  • At some stage, they were not able to meet their monthly financial commitments. They saw debt counselling as a solution to restructure their payments into affordable monthly amounts.
  • Our clients take responsibility for their debt as they are committed to acting responsibly and wish to restore their good financial standing. They are not running or hiding from their creditors, but repaying their debt through a process made possible by law.
  • They are growing toward becoming independent once again and will be able to manage their personal finances in future
  • They learn through the process to manage money wisely and to avoid future debt-traps, no matter how attractive or inviting credit offerings may be.
We have helped many individuals and couples, just like you, to repay their debt in a structured and orderly manner and to bring financial stability back into their lives. We’d like to do the same for you.

Ons het Johan en span se dienste begin gebruik in 2021. Van die begin af het hulle die proses so maklik gemaak en soveel van die stress van ons skouers af gehaal. Elke maand kon ek sien hoe my balaans af kom deur middel van die dokument wat hulle vir my gestuur het. Die maande wanneer dit moeilik gegaan het, kon ek net kommunikeer met Johan en hy het alles gereël. Toe ons aan die einde kom, het hulle die proses weereens so vinnig en glad laat verloop. Dit was so gerusstellend. Een van die bank instansies het ook raak gesien die diens wat ek van Johan gekry het en hulle geprys dat hulle een van baie min maatskappye is wat régtig die ekstra myl gaan en alles doen om die proses soos glad as moontlik te maak. Hulle is regtig n eerlike, betroubare span. Ek kan hulle diens met groot gemak aanbeveel.

Thank You

Johan is one of those genuine service providers that still attaches a meaning to the term service. We have called him at the most inconvenient times and he has always been extremely polite and always keen to provide us with whatever we have requested. It is really great to know that we have someone like Johan on our side as he provides us with peace of mind that everything is being taken care of. 


Baie dankie, Johan. Jou diens was uitstekend, ek waardeer dit regtig.

Dankie ook dat jy so verdraagsaam was met my oor die tydperk.

Thank You

This was and is not a contract I entered into easily and I did a lot of research on Debt Counselling. There are many failed stories out there, thus, for me, if I had to take that big step, I had to be sure that whom I chose to help me with that, needs to be very thorough. Oddly, without knowing you or of you, with a testimony of one of your previous clients, bearing her life to me, a stranger, I immediately knew the answer is clear.


I will most certainly refer any prospective clients to Johan Wepener as he handled my debt review process with sound advice and professionalism at all times.

Thank You

Johan is our debt counsellor for the last year and he is one of the most important people in our lives currently as he has provided us with a service that has given us back our dignity and financial stability which has turned our lives around. 


Thanks so much for arranging this for us. It will provide a huge relief and hopefully, I get to start at my new company soon.

Thank You

I have also recommended a few of my personal friends to him and I think that really says a lot about his nature and the way he provides his service. 

Hello Johan

Ek wil net graag vir jou baie dankie se vir al die hulp die afgelope paar jaar. Ek onthou die eerste ontmoeting en wat vir my n senutergende ondervinding was, het jy oorgeneem en hanteer. Dankie dat ek maar net alles na jou kon verwys.

Sal jou altyd dankbaar wees.

Groete, Mariana

Thank You

I would like to thank you for the journey that you have walked with me thus far. I cannot believe that it’s been more than two years already and based on the feedback you gave me of how far we’ve come, for me it was a milestone and great achievement, and as I previously said, not one that would have been achieved easily and as smoothly if your expertise and help was not there.

Goeie middag Johan

Ek wil my net vrywillig van die skuldberading onttrek.

Ek het 22 September al my rekeninge klaar betaal. Sodra ek al die briewe ontvang het sal ek dit vir jou epos.

Ek wil weereens net baie dankie se vir jou hulp die afgelope paar jaar. Jy het sowaar my lewe verander.

Vriendelike groete, Sorita

Thank You

Since 2008, my spouse and I were left with a huge amount of debt from a failed business.

I then went back to work for a boss again and received a minimal salary at the time. This did not service all our debt. We were at a point of losing our assets.

We approached Johan Wepener who has assisted us and structured an easy and manageable payment plan with our creditors. He informed us that there is no quick fix for this, but that the result would be positive at the end of the day and he has shown great professionalism and support, assisting and guiding us to a position of ‘financial freedom’.

5 years later, I was happy and excited to ask Johan to rescind us from Debt Review as we made our final payment at the end of 2013.

I would like to thank Johan for assisting us in restoring our good financial standing.

Call us on 082 558 8570 to find out how we can help you or